Monday, March 26, 2012

Videos related to my last post...

Below are a couple of amusing videos related to my last post, male and female perspectives of buying condoms. I know the first image makes it look dirtier than it is, but they're really just funny and that was the only full-length version of the video that I could find. Enjoy!

Video Credits:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

College students shouldn't be uncomfortable with buying condoms


If there's one thing to be said about using birth control, assuming that a person is sexually active and that the use of birth control is not against their religion or ideals, it is that using birth control is a smart idea. Bringing a child that is not going to be well cared-for into the world is not a good thing by any standard. Despite all of this, many college students still find themselves to be uncomfortable with buying condoms or other forms of birth control. Many of these students feel as if they are being judged on their purchases by everyone around them, from the other people in the checkout line to the clerk. It is strange that buying condoms, a very logical activity, can have such a negative stigma. College students should try their best to be comfortable with buying condoms and other birth control if they choose to be sexually active. They should take pride in their choice, because the alternatives of unwanted pregnancies and STIs are much worse than a strange look from the 65 year old woman at the checkout counter of Walmart.

Image credit: 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Coffee: Why can't it just be simple?

If there's one thing that I know is true of many college students, whether they live on campus or not, it's that they love coffee. College students are constantly sleep deprived, they are always working on a big paper or studying for their next test until late into the night. This constant sleep deprivation causes college students to require coffee, and lots of it, just to get through their day. This constant need for coffee causes coffee makers to be a dependable presence in most rooms in college residence halls, but if you look more closely, there's something odd about these coffee makers. Many of them are expensive, high-tech, and some students even have espresso machines, but the strange thing is that almost all of these machines are rarely used. The students that own the coffee makers still drink a large amount of coffee, and they almost always have coffee grounds and creamer in their rooms, but they constantly buy coffee from the coffee shops located around campus instead of using their own machines.

I am just as guilty of this habit as many on-campus students. I have an expensive coffee maker, a coffee grinder, and coffee all waiting for me in my room. However, I only use these materials once every few weeks, and I get coffee from a coffee shop an average of three to four times a week. Getting coffee from a coffee shop is just so easy, and somehow I always seem to find myself running late and unable to have time to make coffee along with the rest of my morning routine. I always tell myself that I'll wake up earlier and make my own coffee, but that's easier said that done when I only get four hours of sleep because of homework. All in all, it's just easier to get that much-needed coffee from a coffee shop, and even though we could all save hundreds of dollars a year by waking up five minutes earlier, hitting that snooze button one more time is simply too tempting to pass up.      

Image Credit:,r:6,s:0&tx=44&ty=86