Tuesday, March 20, 2012

College students shouldn't be uncomfortable with buying condoms


If there's one thing to be said about using birth control, assuming that a person is sexually active and that the use of birth control is not against their religion or ideals, it is that using birth control is a smart idea. Bringing a child that is not going to be well cared-for into the world is not a good thing by any standard. Despite all of this, many college students still find themselves to be uncomfortable with buying condoms or other forms of birth control. Many of these students feel as if they are being judged on their purchases by everyone around them, from the other people in the checkout line to the clerk. It is strange that buying condoms, a very logical activity, can have such a negative stigma. College students should try their best to be comfortable with buying condoms and other birth control if they choose to be sexually active. They should take pride in their choice, because the alternatives of unwanted pregnancies and STIs are much worse than a strange look from the 65 year old woman at the checkout counter of Walmart.

Image credit:  http://www.motifake.com/78979 

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